December 2, 2017

UTV Rules



UTV Rules and Regulations

Updated Jan. 2025.




Welcome to the Louisiana Cross-Country Series!

The Purpose of the LACC Series is to provide a fun, competitive, family oriented off-road racing circuit for families to enjoy close to home.  Careful consideration will be placed on picking the best venues in the state with a focus on providing several interesting spectator areas.

Safety: Two Certified EMTs will be on site during events and general rescue routes laid out prior to the start of the event.  A sweep (cleanup) of the course will be conducted after each event.

***Race Flyers will be posted within two weeks of the race, all the times will be posted on the flyers.  Times may be subjected to change please read race flyers carefully***

Table of Contents

  1. Fees, Pre-Entry & Forms
  2. Practice Times, Class Structure, Starting Order, & Race Lengths
  3. Class Definitions, Guidelines, & General Rules 
  4. Course Markings, Flags, & Track Length
  5. Rider Advancement
  6. Scoring, Series Points, & Annual Banquet
  7. Qty of Races / Drops
  8. Trophies 
  9. Penalties, Disqualification, & Conduct
  10. Pit Riding Rules

1. Fees, Pre-Entry, and Forms

Entry Fees

 Pre-Entry Fees: (see Pre-Entry rules and regulations below) Entry fees for pre-entry are $94 for main event classes. Only PayPal accepted. 

 Entry Fees:  Entry fees paid on race weekend will be $100 Cash and checks accepted.  ABSOUTLY NO PLASTIC IS ACCEPTED. 

 Practice Fees:  Practice fees for all classes are $15. 

Transponder: $10 All racers are required to purchase a transponder at sign-up, this is how you are scored during the race.  Transponders are $10 a piece and can be used year after year.

Non-Member Weekend Pass:  $10- Anyone who wishes to race and is not a registered LACC member must pay a $10 Weekend Pass Fee.  (Non-Members cannot earn race points or be eligible for yearend awards)

 Gate Fees

 Gate Fees:  $10 Gate fees will be $10 per person for the weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).  Kids 6 and under and Seniors 60 and over enter pit area free.  All gate fees are subject to landowner requirements.  Cash and Checks accepted.

Membership Fees

 Membership Fees:  Membership Fees:  $50.  A $50 membership fee will be required per racer per year.  Membership includes a yearly “Member” T-shirt, 1 Transponder (if needed), yearly Membership card, eligibility for yearend awards, option to pre-register online.  Only members will receive race points.  Membership dues can be paid online or on race weekend.  If you choose to become a member after the start of the race season only races after your membership date will be eligible for race points.  Memberships will no longer be available after Round 7.                 

  *you can still race without becoming a member but a weekend pass will be required see above. 


You must be a member before you can pre-enter for a race. All Pre-entries are non-refundable unless a race is cancelled and not rescheduled. If a race is rescheduled, you must use your pre-entry for that race only. Pre-Registration will close the Thursday before the event.  You must report to sign-up prior to racing, to check in and sign the waivers.  Practice must be paid for at sign up.


Gate Forms: At each event, each participant and spectator will be required to sign a waiver:  “I agree to hold completely blameless Acadiana Racing LLC, land/track owners, and any officers thereof for any losses or injuries (including death) that may occur as a result of my participation in a LACC event.”  All minors (17 and under) will need to also have minor release signed by both parents/guardians.

Annual Race Forms:  All minors 17 and under will need to have a minor release form signed by both parents (this is separate from the one filled out at the gate).  A completed/signed form must be on file at sign-up in order for any minor to race/practice.

Race Forms:  An entry from must be filled out and signed, FRONT AND BACK, before anyone is allowed to race/practice.  All entry forms for minors (17 and under) must be signed by a parent/guardian.  All forms can be found at sign up or online at

 2. Practice Times, Class Structure, Starting Order, & Race Lengths

General Practice Time:

                                           UTV All Class:  9:15 am – 10:00 am Saturday

 *Practice times may be changed, see race flyer for official times. 


Class: Race Time Age Range* Bike Size:** Number Range: ***
UTV Main’s Race (UTV Main’s Riders Meeting at 11:30 am Saturday)
UTV Turbo 11:40 am- 12:40 pm (Saturday) 16 and up Open to any size 1 – 100
UTV  N/A 11:40 am- 12:40 pm (Saturday) 16 and up Open to any size, No Turbos 101-200

*You must have a valid driver’s license to drive any UTV.  Passengers must be at least 12 years old (Passengers must also fill out a race entry form at sign up. *

**See “General Rules, Class Definitions, & Guidelines” for all regulations regarding UTVs**

***If you do not have permanent LACC Series numbers on your front number plate you will need to get a temporary one at sign-up. Make sure to cover with clear tape (laminates it) so the scoring crew can wipe off with towel. Each rider will be required to purchase a transponder which will carry the riders number and will be automatically entered into the computer when the rider passes through the scoring tent. The transponders will be the barcode sticker style and will need to be placed on inside of driver’s door (if plastic) or on the inside of any other plastic structure on the left side of UTV. Riders who attempt to mount it elsewhere may not be scored correctly. ***

  1. Every racer including the kids/women will need to purchase their transponder at sign-up for $10.00 (can be used year after year).
  2. White sticker labels with bold black numbers will be issued to whoever doesn’t have permanent numbers – this is mandatory and used for backup. Two stickers will be issued, one for the FRONT number plate and one for the LEFT side of the bike when the rider is sitting on it.

Permanent backgrounds/numbers are recommended but make sure the number is within the range listed above & contact us to make sure another rider hasn’t already reserved it..

3. General Rules, Class Definitions, & Guidelines

General Rules:

  1. Every driver must attend the drivers meeting.
  2. Races will end on the lead driver.  UTV race is 1hr. A race may be ended early if ground conditions are bad. For those riders who will need to stop for gas, a designated gas area will be marked. Riders will not be allowed to get gas outside this designated area.
  3. Once the overall leader gets the checkered flag at the end of the race all other drivers will have 30 minutes to complete their final lap. At the 30-minute mark the scoring will be shut down to prepare for the trophy presentation.
  4. An Acadiana Racing official has the authority to stop or re-route the course for any reason (impassable mud bog, ambulance access, etc.). Riders not respecting this will be penalized, penalty to be determined by and LACC staff member.
  5. No changing of UTVs during an event. UTV must accompany rider through scoring.
  6. Jumping the start: A rider who false starts must stop and wait for the rest of the line to take off before leaving the start, must be the last one to leave the start. If he/she does not stop, 5 minutes will be added to his/her total time of the event.
  7. Marking your starting position: Signs will be placed to mark each class’s starting line. Once the main starting area is clearly marked UTV riders can mark their spots as early as Friday night (make sure to leave enough room between stands to accommodate an UTV). Stands should be placed just to the left of where your bike will be. This is certainly not required; riders may ride up to the start line just before the start and find an available starting position.
  8. Participants may practice on the race courses up to seven days prior to race weekend with land owners’ permission, excluding the rounds staged at public motocross tracks.
  9. Race Weekend: Riders will be allowed to practice on the motocross track and portion of the trail only on the Saturday before the race at Acadiana Racings normal practice fee. Unless you have land-owner permission stay off of courses that are staged on private land before and after race weekend. During the event spectators are encouraged to spread out & watch the race but must stay off the course at all times.
  10. A rider must complete one lap and pass through the scoring tent at least once to obtain year-end points – anything less is considered a DNF (no points toward year-end finish).
  11. Exhaust: Riders are not required to have spark arrestors; all events are on private land.
  12. Noise Control: There will be quiet hours at all LACC campgrounds from 9PM until 6AM. No bikes will be cranked or ridden, no loud and offending behavior, etc. during this time. No running bikes at or near the riders meeting.
  13. No pit racing at any time, speed through campground is limited to 1st gear or 10mph – whichever is slower. (see all pit riding rules in section 10)
  14. Acadiana Racing will make sure to provide at least one port-o-let at each event but make sure to bring your own toilet paper for backup.
  15. Protests must be made during the 10-minute protest period before trophies are given out.
  16. Parents are not allowed to follow their child on the race course – we will assign this task to bonus-point workers who will help every child. Bonus-point workers helping with this should stay out of the way of other kids coming through.
  17. All ages must wear a helmet at all times.
  18. A rider’s age on January 1st will determine his/her age for the year. A rider may voluntarily move up to the next higher age class.
  19. Riders who finish in the Top 5 overall can run their overall number the following year, regardless of which class they are in. All others are first come first serve (numbers are wiped clean for each new year).
  20. Riders who finish in the Top 5 overall must race in the “A” class the following year.
  21. He/she must ride 3 of the events and be a LACC Member to qualify for year-end awards (workings a race does not go toward your 5 races).
  22. Year-end ties will be first broken by if you worked a race. If both/all riders have worked a race ties will be broken by whichever rider has the highest quantity of 1st place finishes, then 2nd’s, and so on. If there is still a tie the rider who finished better at the last round will win the year-end award.

Class Definitions:

The following class definitions and guidelines are intended to minimize “sandbagging”. All participants should be honest when choosing a class. When in doubt enter into the more difficult class, it will help you in the long run. This will be fair to all racers and will help the series grow, which in turn will allow for more classes to be formed / more trophies to be given out.                                                                                                                                                      

UTV Main:                                                    

  1. UTV  Turbo: Must have a valid driver license to drive, and must be at least 12 years old to ride.  Open to any size UTV. Expert driver.
  2. UTV  N/A: Must have a valid driver license to drive, and must be at least 12 years old to ride.  Open to any size UTV, NO TURBOS ALLOWED. Expert driver.

      General Rules for UTVs: 

  1. There are 5 races and one drop and you must race 3 races and be an LACC Member to qualify for year-end awards.
  2. The race is one-hour long.
  3. No more than two riders per UTV, must be 16 years of age to drive and 12 to ride.
  4. Door nets or regular doors, helmets, fire extinguishers, and at minimum four-point harness are required.
  5. Transponders are required, and must be placed on the left side of the UTV. Preferably on plastic.
  6. No aggressive mud tires allowed.

4. Course Markings, Flags, & Track Length

Course Markings
The courses will be marked using a combination of arrows stapled to trees and ribbon. Throughout the season different color arrows may be used (see below). Danger areas will be marked with an X; riders should slow down and proceed with caution. Dangers may include but are not limited to holes, rocks, roots, ruts, logs, road-crossings, fences, concrete, steep hills, drop-offs, creeks, man-made obstacles, odd jumps, etc. EVERY danger may not be marked; roots become exposed during the event, etc. Ride with caution throughout the entire race and not beyond your skill level. Incorrect trail turn-offs will be marked with a W (which means wrong way).

Continue on trail ahead
Veer right
Turn hard right

“Pre-turn” arrows are used to give a warning that a turn is coming up (typically used on high-speed fire roads or jeep trails).  Two arrows together are then placed at the actual turn.

The pre-turn arrows below will be placed where riders should start slowing down:


Double turn arrows will be placed at the actual turn (again, only used when turning off a high-speed section onto a hard-to-see small trail):


Various color arrows may be used, make sure to attend the riders meeting at each event:

Example ribboned off section – riders caught passing through,
over, or under ribbon will be disqualified.


Double Arrows:  Occasionally in open areas “double arrows” will be used (arrow on left and arrow on right side of course – both pointing straight ahead, usually stapled to stakes). Riders must stay between these arrows. Riders caught outside of the double arrows will be disqualified.

Single Arrows:  When there is a single arrow rider must stay within ten feet of the arrow.


Green Flag:  A green flag will be used to start the riders.

White Flag: (If used) A white flag used to signify one lap remaining.

Checkered Flag:  A black/white checkered flag used for the finish.  The checkered flag will be given to the lead rider in all races.

Black Flag:   A black flag will be used to stop a rider so an official can talk to the person, this doesn’t necessarily mean disqualification, but failure to stop can result in disqualification.

Track Length:
The track lengths will vary but UTV courses will average 3 to 4 miles long. Careful consideration will be placed on picking the best venues in the state with a focus on providing several interesting spectator areas.

5. Rider Advancement

Note: If you feel you should advance to the next higher class but the advancement rules don’t force you to – please do so anyway, we encourage riders to challenge themselves.


6. Scoring, Series Points, & Annual Banquet

An electronic scoring system (MotoTally) will be used so each rider will be required to purchase ($10) a transponder. Riders can pick their numbers or numbers will be assigned during sign-up. The quantity of laps and finishing order will be used to determine class results. Read section 2 above for more detailed information.

Series Points:
Class points will be accumulated throughout the season & can be found on The Overall Top Five competitors and Top 5 in each class will be recognized and awards given at the year-end banquet. The following points system will be used for each class:


Place in Class Points Received Place Points Place Points Place Points
1 25 6 15 11 10 16 5
2 22 7 14 12 9 17 4
3 20 8 13 13 8 18 3
4 18 9 12 14 7 19 2
5 16 10 11 15 6 20 1
(riders will not get points toward year-end finish for placing 21st or higher but attendance will count toward the 5 races required for year-end trophy)

The following points system will be used for “Overall”:

Place Overall Points Received Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points
1 50 10 36 19 27 28 18 37 9
2 47 11 35 20 26 29 17 38  8
3 45 12 34 21 25 30 16 39  7
4 43 13 33 22 24 31 15 40  6
5 41 14 32 23 23 32 14 41 5
6 40 15 31 24 22 33 13 42 4
7 39 16 30 25 21 34 12 43 3
8 38 17 29 26 20 35 11 44 2
9 37 18 28 27 19 36 10 45 1
(riders will not get points toward year-end finish for placing 46th or higher but attendance will count toward the 5 races required for year-end trophy)

* Year-end ties will be first broken by if you worked a race.  If both/all riders have worked a race ties will be broken by whichever rider has the highest quantity of 1st place finishes, then 2nd’s, and so on. If there is still a tie the rider who finished better at the last round will win the year-end award. *

**You must race at least five races to qualify for year end awards, working a race does not count toward your 5 races**

Work Points:
Main event participants will be given the option of working one of the ten rounds for bonus points. When you choose to work one day prior, it is your responsibility to contact Ryan and set up a day. You are allowed to work one of the races that you race so you can still race all 6.

Overall:  10 points for race weekend and one day prior.

Class: 10 points for race weekend and one day prior.

Work requirements: You must help one day prior to race weekend to help get the trails ready, Friday of race weekend counts for the extra day. You must show up race weekend 7am Saturday morning sharp until everything is picked up Sunday afternoon.  Workers must be punctual and show good work ethics to receive bonus points. Racers who would like to work must commit by the Monday following Round 1. You must come prepared with machete or pruning shears, a bike to get around on, a hammer, etc.  EXCETPTION:  If you get injured or have an extreme emergency during the year, and have not worked yet you will be allowed to switch work weekends.

Annual Banquet:
An annual banquet will take place early (January) the following year.  Awards will be given out to recognize riders eligible for year-end awards (UTV riders must race at least 3 of the 5 events and have an LACC Membership to be eligible for year-end awards, working a race does not count toward your 50% of races). The top 3 overall riders will be asked to bring their race UTVS prep’d for the next season. Location and ticket sales will be announced closer to the event.

7. Qty of Races / Drops

The LACC series will consist of 5  races per year. There will be One drop. During future LACC seasons better venues may be added / existing venues taken off the schedule, but 5 races will always make up the series. This should allow for continuous improvement.

8. Trophies

Trophies will be given out at each event: top 3 in each class.  Year-end trophies will also be given out at the annual banquet: #1 plates for class champions, top 5 in each class, top 5 overall, and other misc. awards/recognition.

9. Penalties, Disqualification, & Conduct

The success of the LACC series depends on participants (& spectators) following the rules, showing sportsmanship, and conducting themselves in a professional manner. Cutting the course, fighting, foul language, and other unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated. Repeated or extreme cases may result in the banning of that person from participating in the LACC series (will be determined by Acadiana Racing official). Lower level classes will most likely be lapped by some Expert riders; please pay attention when these riders are passing and allow them to get by cleanly.

  1. Cutting the course – Depending on the situation rider will either be disqualified or deducted time from that event. If rider is disqualified (rider will not get points toward year-end finish). This includes double arrows, see section 4.
  2. Jumping the start: A rider who false starts must stop and wait for the rest of the line to take off before leaving the start. If he/she does not stop, 5 minutes will be added to his/her total time of the event.
  3. Course re-route – An Acadiana Racing official has the authority to stop or reroute the course for any reason (impassable mud bog, ambulance access, etc.). Riders not respecting this will be disqualified.
  4. Practice- you must ride your correct practice- NO Exceptions. If you don’t ride the appropriate practice or multiple practices you will be flagged off, and not allowed to race on Sunday. A parent is required to ride with the UTV Mini’s during practice.
  5. No motorized vehicles on the course at anytime
    (this includes MX tracks, grass tracks, and trails.)- NO Exceptions. If caught, you won’t be allowed to ride anything motorized the rest of the weekend, again you will be allowed to get your race fee back.
  6. While Racing – If you are caught breaking through a ribbon and don’t turn around and go back to exactly where you broke it, a minimum 1 minute will be added to your total time. If a ribbon is down, but the arrows are still up and you can still visibly see the race trail, and you still take the wrong trail, a minimum 1 minute will be added to your total time. Even if, 50 racers do it and you are the only one caught.


10 Pit Riding Rules

Because the pit riding has been getting out of control and unsafe, we ask that everyone follow the following rules.  Thanks for your cooperation.

Kids under the age of 16 can operate a pit vehicle if:

  1. They are wearing a helmet.
  2. They are going less than 5mph
  3. They are going somewhere with a purpose (examples concession stand, play riding area, friends campers, etc.) We do not want kids “joy” riding in the campground, and kids are also not allowed to go on the spectator trails.  

** We will try and have a kid’s pit bike riding area at each event.  If we are running late on a Friday we may not be able to make one.  If we do not have one set up by Saturday morning parents are more than welcome to help us set one up.  Just ask Ryan what to do.**  


*  You must be 16 years of age to operate a pit vehicle down any spectator trail or out of the camping area, unless you are going to your race or practice with full gear on. 

*  Manufacture Regulations for all pit vehicles must be followed.  If the pit vehicle states “you must be 16 years of age to operate” you must be 16 years of age to operate it.  We do not want young kids operating big ATVs made for adults. 


If anyone is not following the pit riding rules you will get one warning. If you are caught breaking the rules again 1 MINUTE will be added to your total race time.  If you are not racing the person you came with will get the penalty.



*****LACC staff reserves the right to change or modify any rule at any time, visit for updates on rules changes. *****

Acadiana Racing LLC. (337) 224-0829.